Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Selectivity and Improvement on the Fishing Gear in Canada

Every country in the world has something to be proud of. In Canada, there's no denying that it has the best fishing trips. If you're a tourist who wishes to enjoy the wonders in fishing, no doubt most people will tell you to go to one of Canada's lakes and take the time of your life to feel the beauty of nature and have a legendary fishing experience. All you need are fishing gear, a lodge for your stay and a fishing boat. These requirements are available at one of the lodges you are going to visit.

The fishing gear
Basically, once you have decided to fish in one of Canada's lakes, catching fish requires the necessary gear. Fishing gear is generally grouped into five categories, the first three are the only gear allowed to be used in Canada. Here are the five main categories:

Nets. Nets vary in shapes and sizes; some allow fish to swim through them while others are pulled trough the water. The common types of nets consist of, dredges, trawl nets, purse seines, beach seines, trammel nets, gillnet, cast nets, and lift nets.

Hook and line. Hook and like generally come in a lot of forms that include poles, hand lines, long lines and trolling lines. Hooks are typically baited to attract fish.

Traps. Traps are normally confined spaces to imprison both fish and invertebrates.

Grappling devices. These are normally used to aim a single fish or mammal. These devise include arrows, spears, and harpoons.

Stupefying devices. These gears are used to knock out fish using explosives or a combination of chemicals. However, Canada prohibits these capturing techniques for the reason of poisoning of fish and other living aquatic species.

Awareness on the right usage of fishing gears
Due to the growing concern for the aquatic life in Canada, an awareness on the correct use of fishing gears has been used to remind fishermen to cooperate and follow the guidelines in fishing. Various organizations work hand in hand to accomplish Canada's preservation aims for fishing gear. These aims include:

Maximizing the choice for target fish sizes

Increasing the continued existence of fish sanctuaries

Decreasing the impact on the aquatic environment

Reducing fish wastage

Decreasing fishing with unwatched nets

Technology management on fishing gears
The development and implementation on the conservation of the marine environment and on the different aquatic species significantly improved and preserved these marine resources in Canada. Today, Canada's fishing gears are made to reduce the risk of losing and destroying the aquatic individuals living in lakes. Thanks to all the organizations who contributed to Canada's aquatic preservation, Canada is still a world-class fishing country.


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